Thursday, March 29, 2012

We Want Safe Sex !

Face it, sex is just what is on everyone’s mind. To persuade someone into abstinence could work but the chances are slim. We have hormones; controlling desires are difficult when we are constantly reminded of sex in the media. Since that won’t change society needs to stay protected.  Contraception awareness should be available to the public if not mandatory then easy to locate and receive. Contraception comes with variety, either barrier or hormonal. Barrier contraception would be along the lines of condoms or anything that involves creating a barrier between the sperm and fallopian tubes. Hormonal contraception involves some sort of pharmaceutical substance that alters the hormones in a women’s body. These two types of contraception’s are among the more common to society. The debate is whether or not these services should be provided to individuals. I believe that this would be absolutely the best decision to make contraception free. So many children are being brought into this world from parents who cannot provide for infants and are not properly educated in taking care of kids. For some as teenagers, we are taught sex education. This could help in reducing the spread of sexually transmitted diseases also along with accidently pregnancies .I feel if the resources were given to those able to conceive that the pregnancy rate would drop significantly .With this number being smaller you could infer that abortion would be less likely to occur because pregnancy would be even more preventative.
Being in a democracy I feel as if it is the government’s duty to provide the services for safe sex. It has become an ongoing problem that’s eventually going to get out of control within society. Every student should have to complete a sex education course before being given a diploma. At local clinics and gynecologists barrier and oral contraceptive should be government funded. Whether it is provided at a discount or entirely free it should be available. Surveys should be given in order to evaluate what the people need. Also knowing which form of contraceptive is more effective. Although this will not fully solve the issue, this will definitely give people an option of having safe sex.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

"We're all the same color when we turn out the lights"

In Steven Hayward’s blog “Forecasting the Obama Collapse”, Hayward discusses a conversation held his pod cast with   Ben Boychuk and Joel Mathis. The conversation consisted of whether or not Obama were to be considered Americas “first affirmative action president…” In Hayward “[is] doubtful that Democrats would have nominated a first-term U.S. Senator with such a thin record if he was white.  And just as Obama’s mixed race helped him in 2008, it may still be a factor in why his approval ratings have held up higher than they ought to given the objective conditions of things.”  Later Hayward sides with an opinion on how the 2012 election could turn out as he agrees on a comment made by Jim Geraghty of National Review’s “Morning Jolt”:
“It ties to a theory I’ve had for a while, that most apolitical voters desperately want to avoid concluding that the first African-American president of the United States is a failure, on par with a second term for Jimmy Carter. As a result, they will give Obama until the very last minute to demonstrate an ability to get the job done, to demonstrate that he can generate tangible improvements in their lives. But, if around October 2012, people don’t see tangible improvements in their lives, well, the bottom may fall out of his numbers. He’ll still have his loyal base, but the vast majority of independents will decide he just can’t get the job done.”
The intended audience of this particular blog would be directed towards the democrats; reason being for Obama and his political background are democratic. According to Hayward, Obamas ethnicity had a huge impact in the 2008 elections. He believes along with Jim Geraghty that if any major results are not seen by October 2012 that Obama will not be reelected for presidency. I would have to say I agree to a certain extent but I also do not agree with an opinion Hayward has. In the 2008 the minority count in the election voting increased almost drastically. More people that were indeed black or Hispanic did vote for Obama strictly based on his race. This fact I don’t agree with people should be voting based on the candidates’ values morals and plans for the country. Though this factor did help Obama, I feel that the country is put him on a standard because of his race. We as Americans have not gotten over the racism if it does not exist publically are definite behind closed doors. People feel look as if they are waiting for Obama to make a mistake based solely on his race. I think if there was not any racism that, yes Americans would be patient and more understanding of Obama. Being that he is black he is going to and is continuing to have a hard time keeping support from our nation. I think that without progression from the most ignorant issues regardless whether it is race gay marriage abortion etc. that America will never be achieve anything. Why are we making a big deal about the pigment of skin and ethnicity of a person when our previous president has put this burden on our current president to fix? We havent moved foward. Do we really comprehend or understand and how much effort it is going to take to bring America back up? Definitly not in four years